20 - 30 minutes

Rate Your Block

Why do this?

To quickly identify different types of "habitats" or surfaces in your neighbourhood.

Causes & Mitigation

A higher score indicates a lowercarbon footprint.

1. What is the most common house type?

Multi-story aoartment
Multiple units on each lot (eg. duplex, townhouse, coach-house)
Single family homes

2. % of homes on your block using solar panels?

more than 40%
20 - 40 %
less than 20%

3. % of cars on your block that are EVs, hybrids, or car-shares?

more than 40%
20 - 40 %
less than 20%

4. How far is your house to the closest public transit (e.g. bus) or local shop?

Very far (over 20 minutes walk)
fair distance (10-20 minutes walk)
Vary close (0-10 minutes walk)

5. What is the amount of tree canopy on your block?

more than 40%
20 - 40 %
less than 20%

Score : out of 15
